Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on A Tale Of Two Murders

A tale of two murders: Comparing the "The Cask of Amontillado" and "The Tell-Tale Heart.† Edgar Allan Poe has often been considered the father of the psychological thriller. Two of his best examples are "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Cask of Amontillado." Both are excellent short stories that tell of murder, revenge, and madness. The narrators of "The Tell-Tale Heart" and the "The Cask of Amontillado" are trying to convince the reader of their sanity but have only become victims of the madness, which they had hoped to escape. By analyzing the differences and the similarities of "The Cask of Amontillado" and "The Tell-Tale Heart," one can see that Poe uses a certain approach in creating these two works. Poe has been the center of many critical studies; most trying to dissect his mind and get into the heart and meaning of his work, "Criticism now tends to ask, not whether Poe is a great writer, but why" (Buranelli 132). Poe's characters in both "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Cask of Amontillado" confess of murder. Not only do they both commit murder, but they also escape external punishment and suffer endless internal turmoil. Therefore, "The punishment comes not from a church, a law, or even from society: it comes from some inner compulsion of the evil-doer himself who suffers...Thus he has willed his crime and he wills his retribution" (Davidson 189). Both characters take the lives of the men in the stories with little regard, "These characters are themselves god-players" (Davidson 189). In "The Tell-Tale Heart" the narrator confesses to the unsuspected police to receive his punishment, " in this respect the god easily passes into the devil and becomes his maker and his slayer both"(Davidson 190). In both stories, the reader becomes quickly aware of the fact that both narrators are not reliable. The narrators feel that they performed the murders so calmly so there is no way they could be mad. In both stories the narrator is continuall... Free Essays on A Tale Of Two Murders Free Essays on A Tale Of Two Murders A tale of two murders: Comparing the "The Cask of Amontillado" and "The Tell-Tale Heart.† Edgar Allan Poe has often been considered the father of the psychological thriller. Two of his best examples are "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Cask of Amontillado." Both are excellent short stories that tell of murder, revenge, and madness. The narrators of "The Tell-Tale Heart" and the "The Cask of Amontillado" are trying to convince the reader of their sanity but have only become victims of the madness, which they had hoped to escape. By analyzing the differences and the similarities of "The Cask of Amontillado" and "The Tell-Tale Heart," one can see that Poe uses a certain approach in creating these two works. Poe has been the center of many critical studies; most trying to dissect his mind and get into the heart and meaning of his work, "Criticism now tends to ask, not whether Poe is a great writer, but why" (Buranelli 132). Poe's characters in both "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Cask of Amontillado" confess of murder. Not only do they both commit murder, but they also escape external punishment and suffer endless internal turmoil. Therefore, "The punishment comes not from a church, a law, or even from society: it comes from some inner compulsion of the evil-doer himself who suffers...Thus he has willed his crime and he wills his retribution" (Davidson 189). Both characters take the lives of the men in the stories with little regard, "These characters are themselves god-players" (Davidson 189). In "The Tell-Tale Heart" the narrator confesses to the unsuspected police to receive his punishment, " in this respect the god easily passes into the devil and becomes his maker and his slayer both"(Davidson 190). In both stories, the reader becomes quickly aware of the fact that both narrators are not reliable. The narrators feel that they performed the murders so calmly so there is no way they could be mad. In both stories the narrator is continuall...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Release the geek! - Emphasis

Release the geek! Release the geek! Below are the correct and incorrect versions of some of the most commonly misspelt words. Can you unmask the criminal mistakes? They’ll get away with it if not for you meddling kids. Go on, let your inner geek out to play. Share this link and challenge your colleagues to a spell-off. You know you want to 1. neccessarynecessaryneccesary 2. separateseperateseprate 3. receivedrecievedreceeved 4. occuredoccurredocurred 5. definitelydefinately6.grammergrammar7.predjudiceprejudiceprejujice 8. minusculeminiscule 9. occasionoccassionocassion 10. proffesionalprofessional 11. accomodateaccommodateaccommadate 12. religeousreligiousreligous 13. harrassharass 14. questionnairequestionairrequestionnairre15. occurrenceoccurranceoccurence 16. mischiefousmischievousmischievious 17. embarrassembarassembarras 18. connoisseurconnoiseurconnoissouir 19. cemetarycemeterycemetry20.changeablechangablechangeible Once you have your score, why not leave us a message in the comments section below to let us know how you got on? And if you have any spelling tips youd like to share, such as mnemonics, wed love to hear them.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business GP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business GP - Essay Example Other areas are also important so explained briefly; the blind spot is what others know about a certain individual, but which the individual does not know about himself, the hidden area which is known only to the individual himself, and the unknown area consists which is unknown to the individual and the others as well. The open area can be used to communicate effectively within the organization. The open area is very important because this introduces the new team members, which in this case would be the Working Better group. When we work in this area, we are at our best and also productive. The open arena is actually seen where good cooperation and communications occur. Also when different teams are grouped, the size of the open area can be expanded horizontally into the blind space so that individuals can learn more about themselves. This can be done by seeking and actively listening to feedback from other people. This can be done by anonymous slips so as to ensure privacy. This cannot be done immediately until or unless the people actually get to know each other first. Ice breakers heighten the effectiveness of training sessions, which will be particularly significant in this conference. On the first day, everyone needs to introduce himself/herself and this can be done in a comfortable manner through the ice breaker exercises. One exercise that can be done effectively is that after everyone has stated their names, a manual can be handed out to any random person that he/she should start with any word. That same person will ask the next person to continue with any other word. For example, the person with the manual states ‘I’, the person next to him might say ‘am’ and this continues on. Not only it shows dependency on other team members which illustrates that team work is important, it creates humor when people can come up with any random words, hence breaking

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Should the Outside World Intervene to Help the Victims of Violence In Research Paper

Should the Outside World Intervene to Help the Victims of Violence In Syria - Research Paper Example This report declsres that in Assad’s absence the major players who can decide Syria’s fate will be divided along sectarian lines. Iran with the Shiite majority and the rebels with a Sunni majority are already at clashes over the deep sectarian divide. But the overall opinion is that Assad has to go because his regime will not be able to hang in for very long. This paper makes a conclusion that the international discourse regarding whether or whether not outside intervention will actually be beneficial for Syria is an ongoing debate that has garnered varying opinions of people who are against it and people who propagate the move. Based upon the secondary research on the topic it seems that for Syria, the better option is to go with outside intervention. This is because the internal situation in Syria is worsening regardless and internal measures to resolve the situation have already failed. The cost that the Syrian people have borne in the wake of this civil war is catastrophic in its sheer degree and as time passes, this only gets worse. Outside intervention represents to Syria a way out of this mess, a resolution of sorts and eventual freedom from Assad’s regime. While many analysts are of the opinion that outside intervention will make things worse, it seems that this will only be the case initially if so. In the longer run, outs ide intervention will be beneficial for Syria and its people.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Teanage Driving Essay Example for Free

Teanage Driving Essay Imagine you just hit a car head-on. It’s probably because you are under the influence. This is why experts say the driving age should be raised to age 18. The minimum driving age differs from state to state. The lowest driving age in the United States is 13. That is in the state of Nebraska. You have to be thirteen years old qualify for a â€Å"farm husbandry permit.† The 13 year old can operate off-road vehicles used in farming. The government is considering raising the legal driving age. It should be raised because most of the teens who will or are driving will be doing things they know they should not do. They do things like texting on their cell phone and speeding over the limit. It is also because they are under peer pressure. Car accidents are mostly caused be teenagers. They take their own lives when they don’t wear their seat belts or are out past their curfews. The law keeps the voting age at 18 and buying alcohol at 21 but let a 16 years old have the responsibility of taking the busy streets. The legal driving age should be raised to age 18 because most teenagers are not responsible, most teens text while driving, and lives can be saved. First, the driving age should be raised because most teens are not responsible. Car crashes that are caused by teenage drivers are the number one killer of teens in America today. They kill most between 15 and 21 year old. 13% of teens said that they have been in a car with the driver had drunk alcohol before driving. 14% of teens say that they drive after drinking. 36% of teens say that they had ridden with a driver who had been drinking. Motor vehicle crashes kill between 5,000 to 6,000 people every year. Driving is something that requires focus and decision making. Teenagers are still developing self-control and appropriate emotional responses to a situation that might be going on. â€Å"Road rage† is used to describe the emotional response of something like anger or frustration that teens can experience while behind the wheel. Some teenagers’ get hurt just because they know that they should put on their seat belt and they don’t. Also, it is because the teenager doesn’t go home at their curfew. If a teenager wears his seat belt; it reduces the risk of dying by 45%. Teenagers are the youngest people to not wear their seat belt. Teenage drivers are more likely to have a car accident since they’re under the influence of alcohol. A driver’s license provides privileges other than driving. Four out of six teens that drinks and drive kill drivers 20 or younger that result in a fatal crash. One out of three teens will have a car accident within the first two years of driving. Secondly, the driving age should be raised because teens are texting while driving. 56% of teenagers answer and make phone calls while they are driving. 13% of teens say that they have sent and responded to text messages while driving. 45% of teens said that they would speak up if someone else was driving in a way that scared them. Texting while driving gives you a four times of a chance to having a car accident. Distracted drivers account for 80% of crashes that was from 18 to 20 year old. If we get teenagers off of the roads, then there would be fewer car crashes. Next, if teenagers don’t drive, lives can be saved. Allison Reboratti was a 19 year old. She had boyfriend named Steven Filipak. They both are in the state of Pennsylvania. Steven had driven them to Steven’s friend’s house. Steven got drunk and passed out. When he got conscious the both of them left. He got conscious on the early morning of May 9, 2001. Allison had let Steven drive the car home. Neither of them had their seat belt on when Steven had lost control of the car. He had hit a sign post, a fence, and an evergreen tree. Someone had called the paramedics. When the paramedics arrived, Allison was found dead lying across Steven’s lap. Steven was breathing, but unconscious. He was taken to the hospital. He had broken bones and brain damage. He had to stay in the hospital for five months. This story proves that the driving age should be raised. Male drivers between the ages of 15 and 20 were involved in fatal crashes. 37% were speeding and 26% were dri nking. Five percent of teenagers admit to driving a car after drinking alcohol. Eight hundredths percent of drivers have alcohol in their blood. Almost three out of four teen drivers were killed in a crash after drinking and driving and they wasn’t wearing a seat belt. 56% of teen’s deaths occur on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Fatal crashes rate from 16 to 19 year old. Teenage drivers are more likely to get into a car accident than older drivers. 55% of teens said that they go over ten miles per hour the limit. Some teens even go over 80 miles per hour while driving. 17% of teens say that they think that speeding is fun. 44% of teen’s said that they would drive more safely if their friends were not in the car. 67% of teens said that they felt unsafe would when someone else was driving. 37% of teens say that they would ride with one or more friends who speed in the coming year. Over 40% of teen crashes deaths occur between 9 P.M. and 6 A.M. 60% of teens’ auto deat hs occur before midnight. Therefore, the driving age should be raised to age 18. It should be raised because most teenagers are not responsible, text while driving, and lives can be saved. Also, it should be raised because most teenagers under age drink and their drinking leads to them having car accidents. Teenagers kill thousands of people every year. Lots of teenagers make and answer phone calls while they are driving. In addition, teens kill more people than mid-aged adults. That concludes the reasons why the driving age should be raised to age 18.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Apollos Oracle at Delphi Essay -- ancient Greek beliefs and prophecies

The Oracle of Apollo at Delphi is shrouded in myth and mystery, but one thing is certain, their prophetic influence stretched far and wide and was detrimental in shaping Greece. Neither war nor boundary was determined without conferring the Delphic Oracle first. The Oracle of Apollo was held in high regard by the likes of "Plutarch, Plato, Aristotle, and Diodorus" (Broad 10). The Trojan War and Theban War were in part responses to the Oracle's forecasts (Fontenrose 4). The Delphic Oracle shaped the decision of Spartans and consulted the "Greek states at the time of the Persian War" (Fontenrose 6). For well over a millennium, devotees would continue to seek the Delphic Oracle's counsel. The Greek legacy is riddled with her prophecies. Delphi, Greece's relative geographic location is in the center of Greece. According to Richard Haywood, its location could literally be the reason that the "Delphic Oracle was near the center of Greek life for centuries" (112). Delphi was inhabited as early as the Bronze Age. The Oracle's existence is believed to have appeared as early as the 8th century BCE (Scott 11). Several stories exist to explain the origins of Delphi. One myth says that Zeus released two eagles "from opposite ends of the world and they met at Delphi" signifying the geographic center of the earth (Scott 36). Another myth claims the word Delphi was obtained directly from a Greek word meaning "womb", indicating the birthplace of the world (Scott 36). However, the Homeric Hymn to Apollo written "between the late 7th century BCE and mid-sixth century BCE" tells the tale of Delphi's genesis in a different light. According to the Homeric tale, Apollo traveled throughout Greece in search of the perfect site for his temple. H... ...'s future, creating a blurred line between the real and fantastical. Fact and fiction continues to cohabitate in the daily debate and rituals of Modern Greece and it is quite possible that the Delphic Oracle is to praise and/or to blame. Works Cited Broad, William J. The Oracle: The Lost Secrets and Hidden Message of Ancient Delphi. New York: Penguin, 2006. Print. Fontenrose, Joseph Eddy. The Delphic Oracle, Its Responses and Operations. Berkeley: U of California. Print. Haywood, Richard. "THE DELPHIC ORACLE." Archaeology 5.2 (1952): 110-18. JSTOR. Web. 25 May 2014. . Lehoux, Daryn. "Drugs and the Delphic Oracle." Classical World 101.1 (2007): 41-56. Web. Scott, Michael. Delphi a History of the Center of the Ancient World. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2014. Print.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Family in African-American Literature Essay

In literary pieces such as Alice Walker’s story â€Å"Everyday Use†, Langston Hughes’ â€Å"My People†, and Robert Hayden’s poem â€Å"Those Winter Sundays†, the theme of family relationships is significantly evident. In â€Å"Everyday Use†, Walker presents one stage and aspect of a family life when one adult child chooses to live on her own while the other one stays with the family. Hughes’ poem portrays his love for his people which he considers to be a family as a whole. Meanwhile, Hayden’s â€Å"Those Winter Sundays†, talks about the narration and description of a boy about his father whom he is not well acquainted with. As the first piece speaks of a story about a family in relation to their heritage, the latter speaks of a boy’s reminiscence of a father who was never able to show his love directly to his children. These two aspects of family relationships reveal several angles to look upon.   Such family situations are influenced by authors’ own race and heritage. Alice Walker portrays the story of a fully grown-up daughter, Dee, who goes back to home to her home to visit her mother, Mrs. Johnson and her younger sister, Maggie. She arrives accompanied by an African American Muslim man who is currently dating her. She comes home to collect some family possessions which she intends to turn into artistic pieces to be exhibited in a museum. Meanwhile, her sister Maggie grimaces as her sister takes some of their personal belongings including a quilt that her mother has promised to give her as a wedding present. Dee tells her mother that Maggie would only ruin the quilt by using it everyday which puzzles Mrs. Johnson as she could not think of any way to use the quilt than to spread them. When Mrs. Johnson sees the sadness in her younger daughter’s eyes upon Dee taking the quilt, she snatches it away and gives it to Maggie. Dee walks away after claiming that their problem is they do not understand their own heritage (Walker). In this story, Walker portrays a family whose eldest daughter has become estranged from them. In the first part of the story, Mrs. Johnson recounts how Dee had hated living in their house and even almost set it on fire when she was young. The concept of a dysfunctional family is quite present here; however, it focuses more on the mother-child relationship rather than every member of the family. It is important to note that Walker made use of the damaged relationship of Dee to her mother and sister to show and illustrate the different types of African American people. On the other hand, Langston Hughes shows his love and appreciation for his people in his poem â€Å"My People†. He does not speak of family but his tone and use of words make it seem as if he is speaking of his beloved family. â€Å"The night is beautiful, / So the faces of my people† (lines 1-2). The possessive pronoun â€Å"my† indicates a certain intimacy between him and â€Å"his† people which is usually used for referring to a small group of people who shares something intimate and common such as â€Å"my family†. In this regard, Hughes speaks highly of his race as if he is talking about a family he loves most. â€Å"The stars are beautiful, /  So the eyes of my people† (3-4). The comparison of his people to the heavens indicates the depth of his love and care for them as he would to his family. â€Å"Beautiful, also, is the sun. / Beautiful, also, are the souls of my people† (5-6). In the poem â€Å"Those Winter Sundays†, it can be assumed that Robert Hayden personally speaks through the voice of the speaker in his poem â€Å"Those Winter Sundays†. His distant relationship with his father is evident. In this melancholic poem, he narrates about the concealed appreciation of a son for his father’s acts of love by means of writing it in a prose. The narrator tells about the labors of his father even on a cold winter Sunday. However, in the poem, the speaker emphasizes that his father’s great efforts are usually ignored. The title of the poem itself already suggests a background for the readers. The speaker is obviously focused only on the â€Å"winter Sundays† and why it means too much work for the father. In the first stanza of the poem, the detailed description of the speaker’s father is very noticeable. He illustrated him by means of mentioning his physical condition as he works on cold Sundays. He could have described it in a clearer way by going straight to the point.   Nevertheless, he expressed his father’s poor countenance in a way that the reader can visualize the father’s hands cracked hands and the busy Sundays. The first two lines of the poem somewhat develops a thesis that would cover the whole idea in the poem. â€Å"Sundays too my father got up early / And put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,† (1-2). Sundays should be a day of rest but the speaker stresses that his father still wakes up even before the sun rose to go to work. He further highlights the weary countenance of his father as he describes his father’s â€Å"cracked hands that ached / from labor in the weekday weather made / Banked fires blaze† (3-5). The poem further shows how heartbreaking the father’s situation must be by writing the last line of the first stanza with, â€Å"No one ever thanked him† (5). With the last line, it is reasonable to consider that the speaker is one of those people who failed to thank him. In this regard, it can be assumed that the speaker is already in his old or middle age when he remembers how his father has shown him love in his own way. Clearly, these renowned African-American writers have frequently used the theme of family relationships to further address the problems of their society. The issues of racism, nationalism, and love are the implicit ideas which are present in the three literary pieces discussed. These authors portrays different types of African-American families which serves as the representation of the current society that they are in. since the family is the basic unit of society, it is the primary target of societal effects such as racism and other social issues. Every problem of the society can become the problem of the family which is why the most meaningful literary works of art somewhat involves the theme of family relationships. Works Cited Hayden, Robert. â€Å"Those Winter Sundays.† The Oxford Anthology of African-American Poetry. Ed. Arnold Rampersad, Hilary Herbold. United States of America: Oxford University Press US, 2006. 261. Hughes, Langston. â€Å"My People.† Poem Hunter. 19 April 2009. Walker, Alice. Everyday Use. Ed. Barbara Christian. United States of America: Rutgers University Press, 1994.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Diversity, Inclusion, Equality & Participation Essay

†¢Diversity is the differences between individual and groups in society such as culture, belief, faith, background, skills, gender, ethnic origins, sexuality, family structure, appearance, social, values, knowledge, attitudes and life experience of a person from any group or community. When it is conjoined with equality it is about understanding an individual and group differences and instilling peace, harmony, value and respect of diversity both in the community and work setting. Every person from any group must be respected for their individuality and for who they are. †¢Inclusion is used within an educational setting and is a term used for stamping out discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender, disability, class, ethnicity, faith or background. It is about recognising and understanding that all children have the right to a wide range of facilities, learning and opportunities. In other words every child and young person or adult must be given equality of opportunity and allowed access to any form of education and care by meeting the individual’s specific needs. †¢Equality is to make sure that everyone has the same rights as anyone else to make a contribution to society and to be treated fairly no matter what race, gender, language, sexual orientation, age disability, religious beliefs, social origin, marital status and any other personal identity. †¢Participation is when practitioners participate to protect and promote the rights of the child allowing them to express themselves, have a choice and have a say if they wish to do so, in no way should they be forced, influenced or manipulated to prevent them from thinking freely and expressing their opinions. Practitioners should provide clear information about access to resources and provision to all children and their families and even he community. IMPORTANCE OF ANTI-DISCRIMINATORY OR ANTI-BIAS PRACTICE Anti-discriminatory or anti-bias practice is to actively prevent discrimination via words and actions. It also prevents prejudice towards any group or individual. It is a fabulous way of promoting equal opportunities. Practitioners do this by making sure that everybody involved with the  setting is treated equally in a non-biased way. All policies and procedures must demonstrate positive inclusive attitudes towards all members of the setting regardless of their age, gender, background, culture or their needs. Every single activity carried out in the setting concerning children, young people and their families must be underpinned with anti-discriminatory practice by the early year’s staff as they play a major role in promoting equal opportunities and being inclusive towards all children. Anti-discriminatory practice is to implement the settings equal opportunities policy in every area and aspect of the setting from setting out activities to having group discussions. Practitio ners must make sure every child is included and they achieve the best. APPLYING ANTI-DISCRIMINATORY / ANTI BIAS PRACTICE 1.Providing dolls which have needs such as hearing aids or intravenous lines. 2.Providing clothing of different cultures for role play. 3.Look at wall displays is there any stereo typical images such as a female nurse and a male doctor etc. 4.Celebrating diversity by joining in as a class such as learning about and celebrating ‘Chinese New Year’ or ‘Diwali’. 5.Books showing diversity and equality such as a book about the ‘Olympic Game Champions’. 6.‘Mirror Activity’ by getting children to view themselves and paint/draw a picture and see how we are different. 7.Decorative displays showing no stereo types. 8.Dolls dressing up clothes representing different cultures. 9.Dressing up clothes representing different professions. 10.Variety of toys during free flow, encourage boys and girls to play with a variety different toys which are normally branded as ‘girls’ or ‘boys’. Looking at number 5 I would plan this activity keeping in mind how I can implement inclusion and equal opportunities. I would show them a short clip if possible or a book of the Olympic Games which shows the champions who are from different races, gender, age and needs some of the champions even use special equipment to aid their needs such as a wheel chair. I will praise them as they are so motivated, successful and have achieved amazing results. I will give every child the opportunity to participate, I will provide open  questions allowing them to express themselves and clear the air of any misconceptions they may have in a positive way. Hopefully this activity will promote a feeling of self-worth, motivation and sense of achieving positive goals in life. Looking at 4 I would plan ahead by doing research on the background of the celebration so that I can answer any questions in a child friendly way that the children may ask. I will promote inclusion and equal opportunities giving every child a chance to participate in the discussion if they wish to do so. I will accommodate for every child’s needs such as effective communication, provide support, promote independence and additional equipment if required. We will all look at books looking at the beauty, colorful art and customs linked with the celebration and attempt to make and participate in it too such as making a painting of a dragon for Chinese New Year or making a lamp out of clay for Diwali. Looking at number 9, I would play a game with the group asking the children what do they want to be when their big, I could show them images of people in roles that a not stereo typical. I can even wear items of clothing that may fit me such as a builder’s hat. If a child has not decided what they want to wear I can encourage them to wear uniform that is not stereo typical I can ask them if they were a girl if they would like to be fire officer or if they were a boy I may ask them if they would like to be a nurse etc. SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF THE EARLY YEARS SECTOR Scope- the extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant. â€Å"we widened the scope of our investigation† Purpose- the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. â€Å"the purpose of the meeting is to appoint a trust  (Oxford Dictionary)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Back and Leg Pain Associated w essays

Back and Leg Pain Associated w essays Several forms of injury affect the vertebral discs. Disc bulges, for instance, are more broad-based injuries, while disc herniations tend to be more focal. Complete tears of the annulus result in disc extensions, while free fragments of the annulus cause disc sequestrations. All of these forms of disc injury can cause pain in both the back and extremities, and the symptoms worsen as the injuries progress from bulges to sequestrations. Most commonly, pain is due to nerve root compression by the protruding disc. However, 5-10% of cases of pain associated with disc protrusions are not due to nervous impingement. Several studies have been conducted to explain the cause of back and leg pain in the absence of nerve root compression. Most notably are the studies that demonstrate the stimulation of sympathetics innervating the structures of the vertebral column. Bogduk, Jenkins, and others have shown the annulus to be well innervated by both sensory and sympathetic fibers. Injury to the disc can thus cause localized pain in the back as well as referred pain to the legs. The sinuvertebral nerve is most commonly affected and may be irritated by the bulging disc. Jenkins also determined that referred pain zones in the back and extremities were not dermatomal (relating to nerve root impingement) but rather the result of irritation of the sympathetic nerves of the sinuvertebral nerve. In addition, studies have shown that mechanoreceptors, nociceptors, and chemoreceptors all detect changes in the disc due to distension of the disc. These conditions may all further heighten the sense of pain. Phospholipase A, bradykinin, histamine, and other chemicals and enzymes present during disc injuries influence the chemoreceptors that may cause the pain of disc protrusions. Other studies have also correlated inflammation and edema to the pain associated with disc bulges and herniations. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Why Good Writing Skills Are Important in Todays Workplace

Why Good Writing Skills Are Important in Todays Workplace Why Good Writing Skills Are Important in Todays Workplace In today’s digital world, people seem to overlook writing skills as something that’s not as important as a strong resume. While that may be the case for some professions, effective paper writing and expressing your thoughts in a clear and cohesive way will get you far and beyond your peers. What is it that makes good writing such a necessity in today’s average workplace? How do I get better at writing? The short answer to attaining good paper writing skills is to read; a lot. Reading is the best way to expand your vocabulary and knowledge of different styles of writing and tones of voice. It’s a subconscious process that requires you to invest time to work on your writing skills before you even start writing.W Once you do start writing, it’s all about trial-and-error. You will make mistakes at first and that’s a part of the process. What’s important is to keep track of these mistakes and use them to write better the next time. There are numerous tutorials and guides on how to write and format specific documents in order to make your paper writing as presentable as it can be. The fact of the matter is that you are never too old, or too young to start developing your writing skills. Be sure to take time and study these formats and styles, since you won’t have so much free time once you are actually employed and use your writing on a daily basis. Good writing helps you get a job Before even talking about why writing skills are important at your workplace, let’s talk about applying for a job. Good essay writing skills will help you craft an amazing motivational letter that will help you not only express your future goals but also help you introduce yourself to your future employer. Not only does good writing help you express yourself, it also shows the employer that you have a good grasp of English and that you can use proper formatting, grammar and proofread your writing. There’s nothing worse than submitting a job application only to later find out that you didn’t proofread it and it’s full of errors. There are services online that can help you make your writing the best there is, but like any other skill, it takes time and patience to perfect. You will be happy for every minute you spend honing your writing skills however, since they are the best way to make a good first impression on your future employer. Writing skills help you progress faster Like your job application, what you do after you are hired speaks as much volume about you. The moment you start answering mail, writing papers and reports and basically doing any kind of written communication inside or outside your workplace, your writing skills will begin to show. What you show at this point is up to you, and it is highly advised that you work on your writing skills as much as possible. Exhibiting the same professional and thorough approach to paper writing will help your bosses notice you. This way you can progress up the structural ladder in your company or firm much faster, since you’re obviously a professional worker looking for ways to advance further and have more responsibility. Your paper writing skills in corporate world will speak volumes about who you are and give credibility to every word you write. People are much more likely to trust and follow a person with good writing skills than someone who can’t even properly format his e-mail. You need to be aware that in corporate world, many of your colleagues won’t see you eye-to-eye except on breaks and occasional coffee sessions. This means that they will communicate with you via mail, messages and official company correspondence. It is imperative that you use proper writing skills when you conduct this type of communication. Writing helps you develop leadership skills Any manager or executive will tell you that writing skills directly affect the way you lead people. Like we’ve mentioned, you will conduct most of your communication indirectly, and since this is the case, proper paper writing skills are essential in leading a team of people. Good writing skills will help you delegate assignments and manage your people a lot easier since you will be clear and concise in your correspondences. The biggest mistake you can make is not pay attention to the briefing you are writing for your employees. This can lead to confusion, creative and productive bottlenecks or in worst cases, loss of revenue. One misinterpreted sentence will cause you lots of trouble and back-and-forth, so make sure that your writing skills are on par with the position that you are filling. Good writing will also help you develop strong critical and objective thinking towards your people. You will give clear feedback on how to improve their workflow, motivate them to accomplish their tasks in a timely manner and best of all, writing skills will help you listen. That’s right. Often an employee will come to you with a problem. Be it personal or professional, it’s up to you to respond. You need to know what to say and when to say it. If your writing skills are good, you will know exactly how to respond and help your employee get back on track with their work.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Questions - Assignment Example Labeling of the media and sex education damages the character of young women. She describes a dangerous connection between chastity and pornography. Valenti explains that porn in America is essential for those in virginity movement for justifying extreme regressivism. Young women see their bodies and sexuality as commodities because the society believes that their sexuality is not their own. 2- Sexual harassment, does it exist? According to the reading (The Myth of Male Decline) by coontz The size of dividend is varies across race and class, but men count on excluding women on the most desirable jobs. An average male high school graduate earns more than a female average graduate female working the same hours. The patriarchal dividend at home gives men a right to decide where the family should live and make significant financial decisions. The privilege given to men trump women approval to sex thus marital rape is not a crime. The wages of women have risen for decades, as the wages of men remain stagnant (Valenti, Pp 56). The wages of women started from a lower base because of discrimination. Even with their improvement, women earning are still low compared to men earnings. Currently women make 40 percent of full time managers. However, their wages are 73 percent of what male managers earn. There are field that are gender segregated such as schoolteachers and social workers. In the year 1980, the percentage of primary school teachers and social workers was 75 and 64 percent respectively. Currently women make 80 and 81 percent of these fields respectively. Research indicates that occupation increase for women, the net pay for those jobs go down (Mouse, Pp3). 3- Sexual discrimination is a Glass ceiling madness- according to the reading ( no girls allowed ) Glass ceiling starts remarkably early from the time a woman get into the work force. After women graduate from college and get into the work force, they encounter much discrimination. Companies believe that wome n are not as competent as men when it comes to work. A woman receives less salary than a man does even though they have the same education and training. Many men put glass ceiling for women, as they believe that females are not steady for careers. They believe that women place is at home taking care of the house and raising children. The power of a woman in the past was restricted over her future. Women were forced to depend on men because men represented women. Women were portrayed as her husband’s wife or her children’s mother. The responsibility of women was to work at home producing cloth, cooking and nursing the family. Today women want to have careers and become independent in life. Men do not understand that some women do not have a choice (The Problem That Has No Name, 3). This is because some never get married or have families of their own hence; they have no choice but to throw themselves in their job. Other women are single parents or divorced, and they need work to support their children. 4- Gender pay gap. Who needs a dollar when you have seventy-six cents? Discuss it according to the readings There is no reason to have a salary gap between a man and a woman during their first year in their job. This is because they both have the same qualifications for the job (Valenti, Pp 87). Women do not show any incapability for accomplishing their jobs, yet they are treated unequally from their male counterparts. This discrimination has gone on for months as a